Friday, 17 May 2013

Media and NGO Workshop, Maun Lodge - 16-17th May, 2013

Posted by Anti Tobacco Network On 00:05 | No comments
Comments, Discussions and Recommendations
Media and NGO Workshop Maun
Maun Lodge
16-17th May 2013
Discussions and Comments

1. Thato Molosi – Poetavango: The importance of new education techniques to educate the public since it seems like the existing methods are not as effective as we would like them to be.
RESPONSE: The approach is dependent on the person you are directing the message to. If you are advising a smoker you have to assess their situation considering many factors like; their education level, their level of addiction, and gender. If you are talking to men about tobacco use you have to use different strategies like the fact that smoking has a major impact on impotence and men's reproductive health, however when the message was directed to women the might be crafted in such a way that it will make emphasis on the fact that smoking elevates aging. “Issues should not be forced into people but people should be allowed to introspect for themselves and think about issues then make an informed decision”

  1. The relation between tobacco and other drugs such as marijuana and alcohol – some people use Marijuana to mask the smell of tobacco or vise vesa. Cigarettes may also act as a gateway drug for smokeless tobacco which has as devastating effects as cigarettes
        RESPONSE: Tobacco is a gateway drug for many other drugs like Marijuana, cocaine, sextacy, ecstacy and heroine. Major tertiary institutions and secondary schools are facing this huge predicament
  2. The decentralization of the Anti Tobacco Network to other localities – Are these three workshops adequate and do they reach the different people across Botswana?
        RESPONSE: ATN believes in empowering local communities and training specialists instead of creating offices across the country. These networks of stakeholders, NGOs and health professionals that ATN is building should be equiped by the end of these training exercises, to effectively pass the messages on to their different communities.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Health Professionals Workshop Maun, Maun Lodge

Posted by Anti Tobacco Network On 23:49 | No comments

14-15th May 2013
Discussions and Comments

  1. The need to explain what tobacco is when we make presentations and to relate tobacco related issues to alcohol use since the two go hand-in hand
    1. Tobacco plant is not the same as a cigarette – because a cigarette contains more substances (7000>)
    2. Pesticides used in growing tobacco – lead, sulphur
  2. The need for research on tobacco affiliated issues – It does not need to be done by university scholars, it can be done in villages and municipalities, and this workshop can be used as a baseline or reflection point in carrying out the research in clinics.
  3. Why dont we ban tobacco use totally in Botswana?
  4. The benefits of tobacco use -
    1. Employment - Is it a benefit?
        1. Tobacco has no benefits! - The scale between public health and trade. The bigger impact that tobacco use has in economies cannot be overlooked. A clear example is Malawi, a big tobacco producer but remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Money is channeled into health facilities to provide healthcare to or for people affected by cancers, and other non-communicable diseases caused by tobacco use.
    2. Are there any benefits of tobacco use to the smoker? - NO!!
  5. What the Health professionals are doing in their respective workplaces to address the CSA
    1. More emphasis is put on alcohol than tobacco in clinics unless a patient has TB or a cough
  6. The need for a Setswana version of the Control of Smoking Act (CSA)– because most people in underdeveloped rural settlements do not have a grasp on the english language
  7. Smoking in public places and at the workplace sections of the CSA need to be emphasized and implemented
  8. Prices of alcohol have been increased and alcohol consumption has not reduced – how will increasing taxes
      1. Tobacco is not manufactured in Botswana like alcohol therefore increases in taxes will reduce importation of tobacco into the country hence lessening consumption of tobacco in the country.
  9. The need to make the CSA more accessible or make it cheap (FREE) – Extract the CSA's forestanding content and distribute IEC's for free
  10. Collaborations with workplace Health and wellness committees
  11. Duty of persons to protect others from smoke

    Mr. Thuso - Officially opening the workshop for Health Professionals

    Day 1 & 2 Particiants - Health Professionals in the Ngami area who attended the workshop
      1. Group Presentations - Staff member of Letsholathebe Memorial Hospital presenting his group's observations and understanding of the tobacco use situation in the North West district of Botswana.
        Maun Tribal staff member - Group Discussions concerning the Control of Smoking Act and observations of violations in the North West District
        Staff member of Letsholathebe Memorial Hospital, Ethel presenting her group's discussion and comments on the Control of Smoking Act.
        Letsholathebe Memorial Hospital's Matshediso France deliberating her group discussions on the Control of Smoking Act
        Participants at the Health Professionals workshop, Maun Lodge, Maun - 14-15th May 2013
        Participants listening attentively to the deliberations (group presentations) at the Health professionals workshop - Maun

        From Left to Right: Staff member of MVA Maun and an employee at the North West District Council Environmental Health office during the group discussions.
        Group Discussions

        A participant at the Health Professionals workshop, Maun Lodge, Maun - 14-15th May 2013

        Participants from clinic in the North West District

        Ethel from Letsholathebe Hospital in Maun, contributing during discussions


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